Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lipogaine: Hair, Hair, Hair..Everywhere!

Hello My Beauties,

Hair...We comb it, style it, cut it & etc..Sometimes we buy it because we want
more (hey, if the celebs can sport a lace-front wig, going from a pixie cut to tresses
that hang down to who-knows-where in less than 5 days and not be ashamed then 
why should we be?!)..but what about when our hair gets thin?! Now this can happen
for any variety of reasons- stress, health conditions, medications, over-processing 
and etc., and how do we actually re-grow the hair?! 

Well, if you've watched t.v. then you've seen the commercials and info-mercials 
about 'Rogaine'- a chemical hair follicle stimulator than promises to help with natural
hair growth..and these ads usually feature a creature of the male species (which makes 
us women go: 'What about us?)..and yes..what about us anyways...Can't we use this 
product too?! Well, I've got some news for you..Yes we hold onto your hair 
because here's a product that is exclusively geared for us Women and will also help 
you improve upon whats already there or, well..not there :)...

In collaboration with Lipogaine, I present Lipogaine-Intensive Treatment for Thinning Hair

Product: Lipogaine Treatment for Thinning Hair for Women

Contains Minoxidil, Azetinol, Niacin & Biotin 
that combine into a powerful formula for stimulating
hair growth & hair re-growth. Maximum strength

None, except for the re-growth rate, which depends 
upon the individual and their circumstances-
(i.e., medications, health, etc)

Price: $20.00* - 60 ML/2 Oz Bottle
*on sale

Where to Buy:

My Verdict: It worked! I had mega volume..My hair got BIG! 

Fill the dropper with 1 ML of product.
Apply this product directly to the scalp 
area where hair loss/thinning has occurred,
2 times per day (each application should have
an 8-hour interval between each one, i.e., once
at 8 a.m. and once at 4 p.m.). Gently massage 
this product into the scalp until fully absorbed. 
Style as usual.


Unfortunately, I do experience some hair thinning due to stress & etc, and
this product worked for me rather quickly when I used it as directed. My 
hair gets thicker before it gets longer so I got 'wow' volume after 10 days 
of use. On day 14 I had gained 1/2 inch of growth, so given my personal 
factors I would gain 1 inch of hair per month, of course in the summer I 
produce more hair than normal, (ugh!), so as I stated before, it all depends 
on the general health of the individual using this product. 

So yes it does work! 5-star indeed and also taking hair & nail vitamins or
even pre-natal vitamins, will contribute greatly to hair growth as well. If 
you would like to try this product out for yourself, just copy & paste the 
link in the 'Where to Buy' section of this review or if you would like to 
find out more about Lipogaine and their products, just copy & paste the 
link in the 'Website' section of this review..Stay tuned for much more!

More To Come! M.R. xxoo


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